Saturday, October 21, 2023

Blog #11: Alternative Media

There were many great presentations but one that stood out to me was Alternative Media. Alternative Media is any type of media that is not under control of business opportunity or government agency. Traditional media is in newspapers and magazines or on the radio, and TV. Alternative media is more technology based with news outlets like websites, ebooks and streamed audio.

Alternative Media is described as small-scale politically radical media, using a wide spectrum of communication technologies and formats. The main function of alternative media is to provide non-bias and different perspectives of media. On mainstream media the topics are often one sided because they are owned by corporations or the government. Whereas, alternative media shows many different viewpoints. Being owned by corporations or the government allows the story to be more known to people and they mainly share what they know will interest more people. Alternative media outlets tend to have smaller viewings that seek the unique viewpoint. 

At one time, alternative media was also known as counter-cultural or underground media, terms which helped to identify the media outlets that provided opportunities for dissenting points of view and ideas to be shared outside the established media. This was necessary when other media alternatives were not able or hesitant to to offer these other opinions equal time with the more widely spread views. 

In recent years one of the main functions of alternative media is the internet. Today we can find just about any topic, concept or opinion we want with the help of the internet. Alternative Media can give people information that is unbiased and it can allow you to explore different understanding of topics that aren’t on mainstream media.

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