Saturday, October 21, 2023

Blog #10: In the Age of AI

After watching the video “In the Age of AI” I noticed that AI is not just a website on a computer, it is used for so much more. It stands for artificial intelligence and has been progressively popular within a short amount of time. 

One thing that stuck out to me was that robots guided by AI are picking out groceries. This includes anything from food items to soap products for online consumers. One example of this is Instacart. You order everything that you need through an app and people who work for the brand will go and get it. It doesn’t just stop there. AI can also be seen in fast food places. When you do self ordering you don’t see this as AI but it is. This idea takes away jobs for cashiers. 

With anything there are pros and cons. I wanted to further my research and really look into them. 


  • Can make everyday life more convenient.

    • Why sit in traffic when you can just open your navigation apps and there will be different and faster routes. Why scroll through many options of TV shows and movies when we have streaming apps that know exactly what we like to watch. 


  • A major negative impact is that AI has taken over the work of many people. Causing people to be out of income and affecting our societies lives. As AI has taken over many workers are laid off or given a less skilled job with less pay. 

  • Dangerous privacy risks.

    • Facial recognition on a phone can be used for passive, warrantless surveillance without knowledge of the person being watched. 

    • The Ring doorbell has been very popular. It is partnered with over four hundred police departments. Sounds safe? These police departments are allowed to request footage from these doorbell cameras. You can say no but privacy experts fear that because of the relationship between Ring and the police it could be overruled, causing customer privacy to be gone. 

AI is a very contradicting topic. I do see the benefits but I also see the major downsides. I often think to myself that it is terrifying how much these robots can do. AI has access to a lot of information and I feel we have to really be cautious of that moving forward in our world. 

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