Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Blog #6: Anti War

While looking at the websites ANTIWAR.COM and The American Conservative I learned about speaking out against war but I realized it is very rare to hear news, whether that be on TV, the radio or articles against war. These two sites really show what we never hear about, well at least what I have never heard about. 

Now one story that stood out to me while on ANTIWAR.COM was The Real History of the War in Ukraine.Have we all heard about the Ukraine war, yes, but do we know the whole story or one side of the story? In this article it states that Biden has “relentlessly promoted NATO enlargement and supported America’s deeply destabilizing wars of choice in Afghanistan, Serbia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and now Ukraine”. Now why don’t we hear or see that on our daily news? Well to put it simply, they don’t want us to. They only want us to hear and see all he good that we are doing when in reality that is not the case. Our media is censored. We don’t hear the whole truth and it is truly sad.                 

These are anti-war voices that need to be heard. News outlets like NBC News, Fox News, CNN and many others  only show you what the government would be okay with. Therefore, anti-war is not top on their list when it should be. Our world today listens to the news for what is going on and or News sources aren’t going to share these stories that are on these two websites when they should.

I feel they don’t share these stories because our world isn’t fully anti-war. So these stories on these two websites wouldn’t get good views on news outlets. The news leans towards what gets them the most views and shows what the people like to hear because they know that will keep the audience more intrigued. 

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