Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Blog #4: Emoticons :-) & Emojis😁

 In 1982 a Carnegie Mellon Professor, Scott Fahlman realized students were misinterpreting emails being sent to one another. he wanted to make a change in writing, to make it easier for students to understand the point they were trying to get across and with that being said he created the emoticon. The emoticon helped students portray their feelings with what they were trying to say. 

In this image Fahlman is holding up the first ever emoticon. He posted this emoticon on the school's online bulletin board, only accessible to the university. he made this emoticon as a "joke marker" to take the stink out of mocking statements or pranks. This symbol was a way to express feelings of sadness or joy. 

Years later emoticons now we're emojis. It all started in the mid 1990's , NTT Docomo, a Japanese phone company made a black heart that was used on pagers. In 2011, Apple added their own emoji keyboard outside of Japan. By 2015 Apple created the smiley emoji with laughing tears. Naming it the laughing emoji 😂. There have now been three thousand emojis made since the beginning and although that seems like a very large amount Jeremy Burge says "So while I think we'd manage without it, I don't know why we would choose to live in a world without emoji's." Emoji's make texting a lot easier to understand what a person is saying.

While emoticons and emojis have changed the world, people still see positive and negative impacts on using emojis.


Emoji's enable you to give your message a precise tone. Without emoji's your text is just plain with no emotion to show how you feel.

It saves time when trying to send a quick message.

Affective Advertisement- if an advertisement shows an emoji it becomes more effective 


Roasted Vocabulary becomes a problem because kids begin to use emojis too much causing them not to spell correctly. 

Affective Formal Communication comes into play. Some businesses don't allow the use of emojis and informal text saying it ruins the concept of formal writing.

After going through and learning about the history of emoticons and emojis I personally believe they were an amazing invention. I believe emojis are a very helpful communicating mechanism in this world today. We all take texts and emails very differently if we don't see the emotion that is supposed to be given but with emojis it stops the miss interpreted text from happening. What do you think of the invention of emoticons and emojis?

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