Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Blog #8: Privacy With Technology... NOPE

While watching the Ted Talks there were many things that stood out to me. I find Ted Talks to be very informative because I constantly learn new things and it opens my eyes to the bigger picture. There were two talks that really caught my eye; Juan Enriquez, Your online life, permanent as a tattoo and Christopher Soghoian, How to avoid surveillance… with the phone in your pocket.

    The first Ted Talk was about electronic tattoos. Juan Enriquez talks about social media platforms as well as other apps and technology can be a form of electronic tattoos. For example, facebook, twitter, cell phones, security cameras, etc. I never looked at it this way but after hearing this I 100% agree.  Our world today is always using technology and I feel it affects us in a negative way. First off it’s an invasion of privacy. We post things whether it’s good or bad but that is looked upon as who we are therefore it is an electronic tattoo. It also shows who follows you, who comments on your post and what you do to yourself. Our footprint is left on everything that we do.



    The next Ted Talk was about cell phone surveillance. Christopher Soghoian explains that our telephone companies and the networks that carry our calls wired surveillance into our phones. He brings up how someone whether that is our own government,  a foreign government or a hacker that breaks into your telephone company could be listening in while on phone calls to any person. He brings up how nowadays encryption on certain electronics is making it hard for governments or hackers to wiretap phones. He brings up a great point of building a back door because with a back door you do not know who goes in and out, good guys or bad guys. I agree with him when he says we should make it more secure. If we don’t we are living in a world where hackers, the government, stalkers have access to you more than you would even know.

    These two issues affect us 24/7 and we don’t even know it. It is an invasion of privacy to me, you, your friends and family members but I also see the government's side for safety reasons. I believe the government and the private sector should come up with an agreement but what that is I’m not quite sure because I do see both sides.

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