Sunday, December 10, 2023

Technology: Healthy or Unhealthy?

 In class we watched a video. It was a remix by Moby of a song originally by the pop group Tears For Fears. I believe it truly shows how we view technology these days. In today's day and age we are always on our phones. The video shows everyone on their phones not paying attention to anything around them and shows how we are consumed by a little rectangle. Technology is addicting and one image that stood out to me in this video was people in jail cells but the cell was a phone. This image truly shows how technology controls our lives.

Now saying that technology is completely terrible would be a lie. Technology has many positives and negatives to it, but so does everything else in the world.  

Some of the positives of technology are being able to connect with friends and family. For instance, being away from college I am able to still text and call my friends from back home and my family members. Another great thing about technology is the internet. Everyday people look up new things. Whether that's the latest news, seeing if something is sold at a certain store, the definition of a certain word and so many other things. The next positive is entertainment through technology. There are many apps like Netflix, Hulu and Youtube that are available on any type of technology. Another good aspect is that technology is used in our everyday lives, for work, school even the appliances in our homes are on technology.

As much as technology is great and used in our everyday lives it has many negatives. The first one being online bullying. Bullying is a common occurrence that takes place and technology makes it very easy for someone to get bullied. Whether that's through snapchat, comments on instagram pictures or even Youtube videos. Another negative that goes along with bullying is that technology can be very unhealthy. For example, bulling, staying up late on your phone and digital eye strain. I know after being on my phone or laptop too long I start to get headaches or my vision becomes affected. Another big negative about technology is that it is taking over jobs. People are becoming unemployed, and not being able to provide the necessities for their families. The last negative thing about technology is that kids at a very young age start to use i pads or computers to play games or go online. When kids play games ads begin to pop up and some of them are not kid friendly, meaning illegal websites with explicit images. These are things that should not even be allowed on technology.

After looking at positives and negatives I believe that technology is not healthy. It controls our lives too much. I will admit I use it way more than I should be and for school is one thing but I always catch myself on Tik Tok and Instagram for too long or constantly checking to see who has texted me. It's a terrible habit to get into and that's why I believe although there are some benefits to technology, there are many negatives in our society today that make technology unhealthy.

Technology: Healthy or Unhealthy?

  In class we watched a video. It was a remix by Moby of a song originally by the pop group Tears For Fears. I believe it truly shows how w...